Log onto SystmOnline (systmonline.tpp-uk.com/Login) & enter your username & password to allow access to:
- Online booking (when available)
- Cancel appointments
- Online ordering of repeat prescriptions
- Online access to summary information regarding allergies, medications, adverse reactions
- Online access to Detailed Coded Record - subject to application & GP discretion
Watch the below video's for guidance on how to use SystmOnline:
GP Record
If you do not currently have a password set up for SystmOnline, please come to the Surgery with your identification & our Reception team can produce this for you. Please attend in person as we are unable to give your password details to anyone else.
A new guide is available for patients who need to give another person, such as their carer, access to their GP online services. It explains the benefits and shows patients how to do this. The guide, called Giving another person access to your GP online services (EXTERNAL PDF LINK) (black and white) / Giving another person access to your GP online services (EXTERNAL PDF LINK) (colour), is available to download and print.
To request access to your Detailed Coded Record download the relevant forms:
Access to information from my GP record
Only you will be given access to your record. When you sign-up to SystmOnline, you will be given a secure login and a password. These details are unique to you and, along with your personal information, will not be shared with anybody else unless you choose to let them see it. This is no different to how you would access other online services, for example banking.
It is more convenient for patients because they can book (when available) or cancel appointments, along with requesting repeat prescriptions online at any time of the day, every day of the year (whilst in UK only)
Booking appointments and requesting prescriptions online is more accurate and less prone to misunderstandings and mistakes, because the details are visible on the screen.
Patients are able to monitor their health and be more involved in their care.
Carers with proxy access for the patient they are caring for can receive the same benefits.
Visit the Surgery today to request your password.