Each school has an allocated school nurse and parents can contact the School Nursing team directly via the Hertfordshire Family Centre Service on 0300 123 7572.
School nurses are qualified nurses with additional training, which specifically relates to the health needs of school aged children. They provide a service to all children attending mainstream schools in Hertfordshire, in addition an immunisation programme is offered to those in independent schools and home educated children. Children excluded from school are still able to access their services.
More information can be found at www.hct.nhs.uk/our-services/school-nursing
More information about school nurses in Hertfordshire can be found at www.hertsfamilycentres.org/info-and-advice/parents-and-mums-to-be/school-nurses.aspx
The Public Health Nursing Team also provide a confidential ‘chat health’ texting service: 0748 063 5050, where a young person can ask for help or advice on a range of issues such: Weight and exercise, stress or anxiety, relationships and sexual health.
The service runs from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday including the school holidays. After 5.00pm and on weekends, the service is covered by a bounce back message explaining where to get support or help. For more information visit: www.hct.nhs.uk/our-services/school-nursing
For parents and carers of young children:
- Parents of children aged 0-5 years can access Health Visitor support via CHAT Health text messaging service on: 07480 635164
- Advice on common illnesses and conditions can be found on the new HWE Healthier Together website
- More information on local support available from pregnancy to childhood can be found here www.hertsfamilycentres.org
For teenagers
For children and young people of all ages
- Health Visitor Advice Line Duty Desk
Anyone can call the Family Centre Service telephone line for advice and support on 0300 123 7572, please select one of the following options:
- Select 1 if you live in the Welwyn, Hatfield, East Herts or Broxbourne area
- Select 2 if you live in North Herts or the Stevenage area
- Select 3 if you live in the Watford or Three Rivers area
- Select 4 if you live in the St Albans or Dacorum area
More resources full of advice for parents and carers on specific developmental enquiries can be found on the HCT website:
School Aged Immunisation Service
The telephone contact details for parents wishing to make enquiries for vaccination schedules in schools, advice about the vaccination programmes or to book an appointment for missed immunisations is:
01727 732062 for all secondary school children
01462 341173 for all primary school children (flu programme)
Email address for general enquiries: hct.immsenquiries@nhs.net
Any School aged child requiring MMR please contact your GP or practice nurse or call 01727 732062 to make an appointment.
- Patients can also view the following websites for important health/development information where appropriate:
- Parents of children aged 0-5 years can access Health Visitor support via CHAT Health on: 07480 635164
- Children and Young People aged 11-19 years can access School Nursing via CHAT Health on: 07480 635050
- Health for Teens | Hertfordshire www.healthforteens.co.uk/hertfordshire