Carers Rights
For useful resources and information about Carers Rights please visit:
Carers Information
If you support someone who could not manage without you, you are a carer. As a carer, you need to look after your own health and wellbeing too. If you care for someone, please let us know by calling us on 01279 594450 or popping in to speak with our Reception team / Carers Champion who can offer further guidance on assistance that is available to you from both the GP Surgery & Carers in Hertfordshire.
Carers in Hertfordshire is a local charity providing free help and support to any carer living or working in the county.
Am I a Carer?
The current definition of a carer is ‘Those who are in receipt of a carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer or the carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.’
However, if you give unpaid help and support to a family member, friend or neighbour who would not be able to manage without you, then you could be a carer.
The person you look after might have a physical or learning difficulty, be ill or frail, have mental health problems or misuse drugs or alcohol. They may be your child, partner or parent, or a friend or neighbour, and they might live with you or live elsewhere.
Whatever your situation, make sure your GP knows you are a carer and contact Carers in Hertfordshire for information and support.
If you're a front-line health and social care worker or a carer for a care agency, you are eligible for an NHS flu jab to protect yourself, however this would be your employer's responsibility to arrange vaccination for you. Please speak with your employer to see what arrangements they have put in place for their employees. Further guidance can be found on NHS UK website.
Caring with Confidence
Carers in Hertfordshire runs free Caring with Confidence training courses for carers, covering all aspects of caring, including dealing with stress and emotions, balancing caring with a life of your own and maximising your income whilst caring. There are special courses for those caring for people with dementia.
Not only are these courses practical and informative, they are a great place to meet others in the same situation as you and to share experiences.
Newsletter from Carers in Hertfordshire
Make a Difference
Caring takes its toll. Make a Difference is a ‘Carers in Hertfordshire’ initiative to provide funded breaks for carers. Grants are available for all sorts of things such as gym membership, massage, a weekend away or a new hobby – whatever will have the greatest benefits for your health.
As a carer, Make a Difference can give you a break and help you stay well. Talk to your GP about a referral or contact Carers in Hertfordshire for more information.
Information & Advice
Whether you need some help understanding benefits or accessing services, or longer term advice to support you in your caring role, Carer Support Advisors are just a phone call away. They can help you understand what services are available nearby and how to access them, and help you to have a break from caring. Call today on 01992 58 69 69.
Carers in Hertfordshire also provides specific support for people caring for those with dementia, drug or alcohol issues, mental health problems or learning disabilities, as well as parent carers.
Download a leaflet from Carers UK on digital resources available (EXTERNAL PDF LINK).
Learning & Leisure
Carers in Hertfordshire run a variety of free courses, workshops and local trips, to give carers a break and some time for themselves. Learn a new skill, like creative writing or digital photography; try a course to help you in your caring, like managing a personal budget or manual handling; or join one of their day trips to local attractions. Whatever you do, it’s a great way to get out and meet new people.
Support Groups
Carers in Hertfordshire supports lots of carers groups across the county, and can put you in touch with your local group. Having the time and space to talk to other people who look after someone and understand what you are going through can help you feel less isolated, find out useful information, and have some time to yourself to relax and chat.
Care Services Directory
Having a Voice
Carers in Hertfordshire runs events and forums where you can have your say on local services, what’s working and what needs improving, and give your views to decision makers. Coming together makes the voice of carers stronger and helps make real changes to services.
Young Carers
Young carers are young people who help look after someone in their family and take on responsibilities normally handled by an adult. Carers in Hertfordshire’s Young Carers Service supports carers aged 8-18 and their families to make sure their caring responsibilities don’t stop them from having the same opportunities, and social life, that other young people.
Contact Carers in Hertfordshire
Carers in Hertfordshire exist to support people in their caring role. All their services are free.
Tel: 01992 58 69 69
Sign up for Carers in Hertfordshires information services
For additional helpful information please see:!/results/list?q=%7B%22place%22:%22CM23%203DH%22%7D
NHS UK contains details about carers and caring. Below are some links providing more information:
- Caring for a parent
Watch this video on: caring for a parent at home
- Telling people
Caring responsibilities can make it difficult to maintain friendships or develop new ones. Telling your friends you're a carer is important so they understand and can support you.
- Taking a break
Caring for someone can be a full-time job, but it's essential that you take time out for yourself too. Read our guide to accessing breaks and respite.
- Housing and carers
Do you know your tenancy rights as a carer? Are you aware of all your care at home options? Do you need tips on moving someone around the home?
Carers Support Groups
Contact Carers Direct
Telephone: 0808 802 0202
Office Hours: Lines are open 8.00am to 9.00pm Monday to Friday, 11.00am to 4.00pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines.
Finance & Law
Help claiming benefits, looking after your bank balance and understanding the legal issues of caring.
- Benefits for carers
Directing carers to the benefits that can help them in their caring role
- Benefits for the person you care for
Advice and information on helping the person you look after get the benefits that they are entitled to
- Death and benefits
How your benefits maybe affected after the death of the person you look after and what happens to their benefits
- Managing someone's legal affairs
Advice for when carers find they have to take over the legal affairs of the person they are looking after
- Other benefits
Advice for carers and the people they are looking after on claiming a whole host of other benefits unrelated to their disability or caring
- Personal and household finance
Advice on keeping a tight rein on household and personal finance for carers
- Social fund
Tax credits
Information on claiming tax credits and whether you might be eligible
Carers' Passport
This card offers discounts and special offers in shops, restaurants and other local businesses. It is available to people who are unpaid carers for friends or family.
Full details are available here: